Crédit Mutuel Asset Management
Crédit Mutuel Asset Management is the asset management company of Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale. It offers a wide range of funds and asset management solutions on behalf of third parties for retail customers, businesses and institutions. Crédit Mutuel Asset Management covers all listed asset classes and management styles. Its strategy is based primarily on the balance between the search for performance and risk management. It also has a wide range of employee savings funds. Crédit Mutuel Asset Management confirms its position as France’s fourth largest asset management company.
Crédit Mutuel Gestion
Crédit Mutuel Gestion is the portfolio management company that offers customer-members management services for their financial assets held through securities accounts, share savings plans or insurance policies. Whether they are retail investors, professionals, businesses or non-profit organizations, customers can delegate the management of their assets - discretionary management, arbitrage mandate (mandat d’arbitrage), dedicated funds - or benefit from the advice of financial market professionals. Working in close collaboration with the networks, Crédit Mutuel Gestion has always opted for proximity.